Thursday, September 28, 2006


Well it's break time at work and I must say it's the best time for break. 1:30-2:30, the kids are still all sleeping, and by the time I get back in most of the beds will probably be put away. I really don't have much to say other than: "hey, I like Audrey Hepborn!" I've also decided that I am addicted to caffine, I must be. Today I woke up at 7:55 and I was supposed to be leaving the house at 8:00, take the bus, and be at work by 9:00. Usually Caitlin and I wake up earlier so we can stop for coffee on the way, but today, seeing as we were running late, we had to rush strait to the bus. . .which we missed. SO I make coffee once we get to work and it turns out pretty weak for my liking but two cups later I find myself typing fast and feeling happy (my caffine side-affect). Ahem. . in conclusion, coffee good!


I'm going to dance, I'm going to dance, I'm going to dance. .and have some fun!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Carded on the HSR

So a couple of days ago I was hopping on a bus to work when I cooly slip my "Secondary Student" ticket into the slot. I AM registered in an Ontario high school (annoyingly enough) so this IS legit. Well the bus driver asks to see my student I.D., and not being one from Hamilton but rather a stupid little business card printed in grayscale, it doesn't look so legit. He gives me attitude and I try to explain that it's internet high school. . fool. Well I guess he was doing his job, you know, just assuming I'm not in high school anymore. All I know is I can't pass as someone over 23, and it is possible for 23 year-olds to still be attending high school. However, it is pushing it for a 23 year-old to buy student tickets. But really, I'm 18! And I just happened to buy a crisp strip of hot pink student tickets. . .jerks

Monday, September 18, 2006

ouch. . .!

SO, I had my wisdom teeth removed early last friday morning. It was a perfect grey day for such an event as I walked into the oral surgeon's office. The whole thing was a weird experience, I normally !DO NOT DO! needles, however I sat there like a good little girl with sticky heart rate thingys on my chest watching the monitor go UP UP UP down. So I don't remember much after they gave me the sleepy stuff, but I'm pretty sure I dreamed about "It" that creepy clown movie which I've never even seen. So anyhoo, the nurse wakes me up after and I'm pretty out of it, and it's all so timeless, it could've been hours or seconds. So I lay down in the little "recovery" room and try to show that I'm ok to my parents but this is hard with about 2 lbs. of gauze stuffed in my mouth. .so I start signing "n-i-c-e-n-a-p" WHAT was that all about? The nurse tries to give me a Tylonal 3 with some apple juice, but my face is so numb that I just drool all of it out on my 2002 MCC exalt shirt. . .bloody, drooly, apple juice stains down the front (who picked white anyway?).

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Wisdom teeth?

Why are they called wisdome teeth? Why are they there? What are their purpose other than to cause pain an misery? Well as you may have guessed, I'm getting my wisdom teeth out. I really haven't thought about it, which is weird for me. Normally I'd be freakin out about having any kind of surgery that involves a needle. But, the freakin probably won't come until the night before or as the needle is drawing closer to my arm. ..shudder. See I want them out, because A: I think they're starting to hurt, and B: I don't want them disrupting my years of orthodontics. SO out they go, stupid jerks.


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

aaahh. ..

So school started today for a lot of people, except myself. My school, being an internet high school, is dealing with some "technical difficulties" with the start-up. I really can't complain, however, it stinks because the longer this goes on the closer we come to our first deadline, meaning I'll have to get a certain amount done in my 9 courses before the end of the month. . .so you know. complaining. .

Oh yeah, here's a completely random picture of myself for you to enjoy, moving on

But anyhoo, life is good, I worked at the daycare today, the kids are cute, then after I stayed to help demolish the church basement for the new daycare program. I got to carry long rolls of old carpeting, haul some stuff in a wheelbarrow, including Laura, and RIP some carpeting tacks out of the floor. . .SO satisfying. Sigh, yeah, that was my day in a nutshell, you know, just in case you cared or somethin . .i dunno. .


Sunday, September 03, 2006

Time for a change

I have decided that my blog needed a little change. . .so I redesigned the whole darn thing. As you can remember it lacked personality and charm, because my template was made by some guy I don't know, and now it's made by someone I do know.. .aka me. NOW on to more exciting things, ahem... oh that's right, my life is lacking in the excitement department right now so I'll catch ya'll up on that later when something worthy has happened.
