Thursday, December 07, 2006

Sherwood Lanes on a Thursday Night

The following post will be about as exciting as the above title. Tonight my parents and I went bowling with a family from our church. We had a kid's team, Me and 3 kids from the other family, and a parent team (quite fun). Well, haha, this is so shameful. .my lane had bumpers in the gutters and I still lost to the three kids under 12 years old. What a humbling experience! OH and to make things better, it was 5-pin bowling. .so I should really be burying my head right now! But it was still something to do. Now earlier today I went to work and was stressed to the MAX with the school-age kids because I'm kinda sick and can't really be heard. stinks. Tomorrow I'll be with them all day, but hopefully I'll be put with the juniors and seniors for the day. .that'd be nice. Well, the end!



At 6:10 PM, Blogger Samara Ashley said...

i miss the day care. I miss it a lot!
I also suck at bowling, but i really do want to do it more. you know work on my skills!

At 9:48 PM, Blogger Darrell said...

You have skills Just kidding eating does count as a skill, I have perfected it! I miss the daycare and I have never worked at one and bowling, well I beat Samara once and we should do it sometime when you come over Elise. In the Meantime Merry Christmas, talk to you on MSN later!

At 11:23 AM, Blogger ECbran said...

I'm more perfecterer at eating skills than anyone! And yes, a bowling game does sound quite eventul, one that I should like to partake in,


At 1:50 PM, Blogger Samara Ashley said...


At 12:08 PM, Blogger Vinnie said...

methinks it's time for an update

At 7:59 PM, Blogger Darrell said...

Darrell Haines what?....I am becoming popular conversation on these blogs....interesting, Merry Christmas Yo!... Hey I would appreciate lots of prayer, I am giving a New Years message soon.
God Bless! and Enjoy your Vacation!

At 8:00 PM, Blogger Darrell said...

HOCKEY TOMARROW! I will enjoy my vacation!

At 10:02 AM, Blogger ECbran said...

WHOO hockey! Yeah, this is me with hockey "GO my favourite sports team GO!"
-Good Ol Brian Regan


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