Thursday, August 16, 2007

SO and update...

WELL I've been told a couple of times to update this bad boy, so here we go. Leeeeet's see, the summer is slowly coming to an end. My forehead gets sticky as I whirl my new rag mop around the messy floor of the daycare lunchroom, and my nose wrinkles as I dump the compost in the greenbins. Sound exciting? Well let me tell you, being a janitor at the daycare has really been ...interesting...It's really a love hate relationship, I love the pay, love the hours, love the shape it's gotten me into, and love the "character" building it's been doing. Overall it was a really good summer job that'll look good on my resume. However, there were a few things that really made it hard to go into work sometimes. For one, I worked alone a lot, which for anyone who knows me, I am quite the social butterfly. Another problem was the pain...EVERYTHING is lifting, and not just lifting normal things, but being a daycare everything is pretty much from my knees on down. Lifting mop buckets, toy bins, food trays, little stubby tables and chairs; and most of this had to be hauled up and down stairs. Well not that it was so bad, except for the part where I strained muscles in my chest and abdomen. However, I do have some new muscles to show for this, which is pretty exciting. So as you can see, there are a couple things about the job that just weren't very happy, but it really has been a blessing over the summer. My back will eventually stop hurting and I'll be glad that I endured through it. OK now that was just a little rant about my summer job, next in line is other stuff that's going on. AHEM...I uh...turned 19...and um...I did some other stuff over the summer...went to Ikea a couple of times...alright so maybe there isn't a whole lot going on but overall it's been a pretty good summer with family and friends and it's alright that it's ending soon cause I get to see Nathan again and go back to my happy place in PEI! Now here's a little picture for you!

My sister Corrie and I after dancing


At 2:56 PM, Blogger Darrell said...

Sweet update, about time Elise. Not sure if anyone checks blogs much anymore, we will have to make our secret mission to bring blogs back.


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