Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Wisdom teeth?

Why are they called wisdome teeth? Why are they there? What are their purpose other than to cause pain an misery? Well as you may have guessed, I'm getting my wisdom teeth out. I really haven't thought about it, which is weird for me. Normally I'd be freakin out about having any kind of surgery that involves a needle. But, the freakin probably won't come until the night before or as the needle is drawing closer to my arm. ..shudder. See I want them out, because A: I think they're starting to hurt, and B: I don't want them disrupting my years of orthodontics. SO out they go, stupid jerks.



At 4:24 PM, Blogger Samara Ashley said...

awww... muffin . .
well I would be there for you, however, I can't . .
so good luck


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