Saturday, July 29, 2006


Whoop whoop.
I'm headed to eXalt at MCC this fall,
which is pretty darn exciting seeing as
I'll be able to spend a week with me bestest friend. . .
*sniff* got a little sumpin' sumpin' in my eye.
Sam I'm gonna miss you, ya know, in case you ever read this . . . ever.

Well that's all forks, toodles


At 7:25 PM, Blogger Samara Ashley said...

yeah . . *sniff sniff* I will miss singing, and dancing uglily with you, and caitlin, and laura, and lindi . . . I'm going to miss spooning with frenzel, and I'm going to miss going with you to Ikea, and I'm going to miss laying on a bed and reading archie's with you.
-Wow and to think that I'm done high school and you're not >_< HAHAHAHAHA.
-I guess I will have to call you and sing with you. But t'ill then We will "hang" and or "chill" and it will be ever so "swell"

At 12:18 PM, Blogger ECbran said...

SUPPOSED to be done high school, I'm SUPPOSED to be! Gosh stupid grade 9. . .why. .WHY?


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