Saturday, July 29, 2006


Whoop whoop.
I'm headed to eXalt at MCC this fall,
which is pretty darn exciting seeing as
I'll be able to spend a week with me bestest friend. . .
*sniff* got a little sumpin' sumpin' in my eye.
Sam I'm gonna miss you, ya know, in case you ever read this . . . ever.

Well that's all forks, toodles

Friday, July 28, 2006

Oh what fun

So I had yet another fun filled week doing VBS at our church's daycare centre. All the "helpers" stayed at Lindi's house the whole week and stole each others fans (ahem John and Matthew). I had a lot of fun hanging out with everyone, although we lacked sleep (ahem John and Matthew). VBS kind of drew the summer plans to a close though, and Sam and I just realized we spent 3 weeks with Matt and John. . .oddness, but that's about all there is now except for family camp and all that. Now I'm sitting in our cool living room with my sleeping nephew Zeke, he's so cute. Anyhoozit, I'm done.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

. . .

Boys are dopes. . . ok I think I'm done. .wait. .yeah I'm done. .

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


So it's about mid-July and oh so much has happened. First off, there was senior high camp. Our church went up a day early to get settled, which was fun, and the Shellbourne fireworks got rained out like non other. Senior high camp was ok, but I happened to be the second oldest camper and had a hard time getting into the camp "mood." We did cool stuff, like went to Wasaga beach a couple of times, and by the end I was having a pretty good time. I came home for a day in which I spent moody and doing laundry. Then the next day I went up to the camp again, this time as a councillor. I had a lot of fun with the other teen councillors (Sam, Matthew, John, and myself) and we did stupid stuff like throw our bodies down a wet, slippery, soapy, tarped, hill, a.k.a a "water slide". After camp Sam and I went straight to Toronto where we hung out at John's house for a couple of days. Our bodies hurt like non other, and I felt faint from exhaustion, but it was fun. In Toronto I had a surprise 18th birthday party which was really cool, I got cool stuff (Thanks a bunch Sam, Robbie, Joy, Orpah, Jay, John, Jesse, Faith, Grant, Sheila, Graham, David, Obed, Othniel, and that person I probably forgot), then we went to see Pirates of the Carribean 2, which kinda stunk but I had fun, and we hung around downtown for a while and ate dim sum. THEN Sam and I finally came home and I had a family birthday party. We spent today at the mall handing out resumes and spending money, and I just dyed my hair. So the beginning of July was swell, and I'm looking forward to some more fun coming up, which I may or may not keep you updated. .heh heh heh.
