Saturday, December 23, 2006


Well it seems that some sort of sickness has been cast upon me just in time for the holidays. I'm coughy, gaggy, and by golly my stomach muscles hurt! OH well, it's CHRISTMAS! YAY! Merry Christmas! and God Bless Us, Everyone!

Friday, December 22, 2006

What else do you do at 12 am?

Here are some odd pictures of Me, Sam, and Caitlin being ganstah at 12 am. all started when Sam borrowed a coat. Then we broke out the "limps". .go figure!


Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Twinkle Lights

WELL it's getting closer to Christmas and we still don't have any snow. I'm having a hard time getting in the Christmas mood, but I'll have fun. Sam came home last Sunday, which was a treat. ..but then I realized how soon I'm leaving, how much I have to do before I go, how much I'm going to miss my family, sisters, *ahem7-11cough*, etc.

A brief pause to enjoy a picture. .moving on.

So I'm getting a tad bit nervous about moving, but I know I will have such a great time out there. I think what worries me most is getting all my school junk done while I'm out there. It's just a lot . .yeah a lot.

Another picture to enjoy.

Well that's all I have to say, it's piddly, I know, but I don't have a whole lot to talk about. Well, I did go shopping yesterday and ended up returning at 5 am, but that's another story. ..well I hope you're happy Vinnie *shakes fist*

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Sherwood Lanes on a Thursday Night

The following post will be about as exciting as the above title. Tonight my parents and I went bowling with a family from our church. We had a kid's team, Me and 3 kids from the other family, and a parent team (quite fun). Well, haha, this is so shameful. .my lane had bumpers in the gutters and I still lost to the three kids under 12 years old. What a humbling experience! OH and to make things better, it was 5-pin bowling. .so I should really be burying my head right now! But it was still something to do. Now earlier today I went to work and was stressed to the MAX with the school-age kids because I'm kinda sick and can't really be heard. stinks. Tomorrow I'll be with them all day, but hopefully I'll be put with the juniors and seniors for the day. .that'd be nice. Well, the end!


Wednesday, December 06, 2006

"Ask yourself if you're ready for an Elise. ."

So one day I was browsing the internet when I came across this bad boy, a Lotus Elise. Pretty cool if you ask me. Anyhoo, on to more exciting things. On Monday we went to the states for a day to shop for cheap groceries and stuff. I was supposed to get contacts there buy my eye doctor here is a moron and keeps giving us the wrong perscription, I think on purpose. So that didn't happen, but I still had a good day. It also snowed a lot while we were there and took us a while to get home, but I enjoyed it. While we were there I also managed to whack my head really hard on the back hatch of the van, and I now have a sore lump upon my head. So now on to Tuesday. Tuesday I did stuff around the house and then went to a Starbuck's Christmas party where our whole church was invited because, well, we're that good. I decided to wear a skirt even though I took the bus and I froze a little, but hey that's the price of fashion. Well, that's the end of my story which leads me to conclude that I just wasted a good minute of your time, and about a good 5 of mine. Back to work,


Friday, December 01, 2006

Jeepers I got a lot of stuff!

Well, my room is officially a disaster! I've been piling, storing, junking, sorting, and condensing my stuff .. and it seems to have formed a few drifts in my room. My goal is to move all my stuff either into a closet, the basement, and/or my two suitcases, HOWEVER, I have a lot of stuff! So this should be very interesting and I'll see what I end up taking with me in January. . .it'll be a hoot if anything (can't go without your wreath of twinkle lights!).

My room (in case you didn't guess)