Saturday, November 25, 2006

Sweet Nothings

Well I truly don't know what to write about, so here comes some nonsense. Oh wait, I do have something! So I've spent many a good times up here in Caitlin's room, it's cozy and full of laughter. I've eaten, played video games, enjoyed chocolate, talked, scratched some lottery tickets (they were sent to her for her birthday) and much much more. Truth is, I'm going to miss Caitlin's roo. .I mean Caitlin, when I move out in January. I really hope it's not hard for me to adjust because I spend so much time with Caitlin and my family. I know I'll be surrounded by friends, but I still wonder how it will go. Well anyhoo, this laptop is hot and I am sitting in an uncomfy position.


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

♪All the lonely people, where do they all belong?♪

I took the bus home from work today and it was pretty dark. Thankfully my bus didn't zoom past me like it did not too long ago, and as I boarded I casually swiped my bus pass through the slide and the machine belted "special." The bus wasn't loaded but there were quite a few on board, an elderly woman sat accross from me, a middle aged woman beside me, an older man on the other side; just people. I knew nothing about these people, and yet every one of them had potential to be great in the kingdom of God. Maybe some already were, maybe some were battling with it, perhaps some have never given God a thought. At this rate I'll never know, I've lost concact, and I never really had it. Whatever my excuse may be: "I'm too shy," or "they look creepy," whatever, a simple "hello" can go a long way. I generally act pleasant, but sometimes I just join the rest of the riders in the "I"m-just-getting-to-where-I-need-to-go" mentality. Will people I see on the bus or the streets see a difference in me? Or will I blend into the bustling city centre, just going my way, just getting through it? If I saw myself through life, would I be happy with what I saw or would I be yelling to myself "why didn't you do something?" or "why didn't you say something?" I have these fake crocs that were on an uber swell sale, I didn't need them, and they were too big, but they were comfy. Then I see a man walking downtown with shoes that are too small, his heels hang over the back. I see the same man again, while I'm wearing my to- big, too-cheap shoes. I honestly wanted to give them to him, but didn't. Why didn't I just hop out of the van and hand them to him? I would have gladly done it, but I let the moment pass by because of my shyness and non-sporadic attitude. I like to look at this life as a test, and we have 72 years or so to store up treasures in heaven. However I can't help but be enveloped in the world, constructing this "personal bubble", and just living my life. The apostle James in his letter to the twelve tribes says:
14What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him? 15Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. 16If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it?17In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.
-James 2:14-17

It's not that I never do anything, but there is a whole aching world at our fingertips and I know that I myself am very impersonal to those I don't know. I could give and serve all I want, and that in itself is very important, but sometimes a pat on the back or a "how are you doing?" is what's really needed. This may not be a physical need, but it truly is a need for everybody. I like doing good, it makes me happy, but somehow I find it hard to just come out and talk to a stranger. I know that nothing bad could really come out of it, and if they say something to me first I'm fine, but it's that big barrier of me saying something first that gets me. I think what this is really about is overcoming that barrier of meekness and doing what needs to be done. These are my thoughts for today, and I hope you don't find them too random or unorganized.

God Bless,

Thursday, November 02, 2006


So it's pretty much official now; I'm going to MCC in January. I'm so excited about being there again, and there really isn't a better place to learn about God than at a happy place. I'm pumped and ready to go.. .hurry up January!

Eva Longoria??

Well these are my celebrity look-alikes, creepy!