Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Oh Frenzel-Nina

As many of you know, I have a new puppy, Frenzel. Well she's not so new anymore, she's almost 4 months old. Anyhoo, this puppy does the stupidest things, she ate her own poo (i guess she was hungry), she chews on power cords, and she actually picked up a seagull head in her mouth. We're all waiting patiently for when her baby teeth fall out and when she realizes we're not living chew toys, and that she's supposed to potty OUTSIDE. . .but all our frustrations blow away when she looks at us with those beady brown eyes and wags her whip-like tail. I'm not used to a cuddly dog, Freebie was too wild for cuddles, but Frenzel is so cuddly. She'll sleep on my feet for some of the night, then jump down and chew on something, and if she doesn't want to move from a comfy spot, she'll turn into a floppy rag doll. As you can see, I'm really going nowhere with this, so I'll just end it. I love my puppy. . .ok I'm done. . .


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