Wednesday, May 31, 2006

post for host

And now I try to post a picture. . . great. . .

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Sewing. . .a completely useless post

Well our old sewing machine went kaput, HOWEVER, lo and behold, we were on our way to New York to pick up a new one (good excuse for a trip) with all the fancy attachments and frills. "Oh yes it works fine," the previous owners chimed. HA what a joke, my parents get there, run it, it starts smoking. So I'm stuck sewing on a machine that doesn't even do zig-zag. Well recently we finally found THE machine and it was mailed all in once piece, with all the attachments, and little ribbons tied neatly around the bobbin cases. Ahhhh sweet sewing machine. So far I was able to sew a purse for sam, now I'm working on a skirt for her, then one for my sister, then one for me, and hopefully much much more. Like I said, this is a completely useless post. . .so. . .bye

Monday, May 01, 2006

It's been a while. . .

WELL it's been a long time since I updated this thing. . .I obviously have nothing to say too. I'll think of something after I do some homework. .I guess. .