Thursday, August 16, 2007

SO and update...

WELL I've been told a couple of times to update this bad boy, so here we go. Leeeeet's see, the summer is slowly coming to an end. My forehead gets sticky as I whirl my new rag mop around the messy floor of the daycare lunchroom, and my nose wrinkles as I dump the compost in the greenbins. Sound exciting? Well let me tell you, being a janitor at the daycare has really been ...interesting...It's really a love hate relationship, I love the pay, love the hours, love the shape it's gotten me into, and love the "character" building it's been doing. Overall it was a really good summer job that'll look good on my resume. However, there were a few things that really made it hard to go into work sometimes. For one, I worked alone a lot, which for anyone who knows me, I am quite the social butterfly. Another problem was the pain...EVERYTHING is lifting, and not just lifting normal things, but being a daycare everything is pretty much from my knees on down. Lifting mop buckets, toy bins, food trays, little stubby tables and chairs; and most of this had to be hauled up and down stairs. Well not that it was so bad, except for the part where I strained muscles in my chest and abdomen. However, I do have some new muscles to show for this, which is pretty exciting. So as you can see, there are a couple things about the job that just weren't very happy, but it really has been a blessing over the summer. My back will eventually stop hurting and I'll be glad that I endured through it. OK now that was just a little rant about my summer job, next in line is other stuff that's going on. AHEM...I uh...turned 19...and um...I did some other stuff over the summer...went to Ikea a couple of times...alright so maybe there isn't a whole lot going on but overall it's been a pretty good summer with family and friends and it's alright that it's ending soon cause I get to see Nathan again and go back to my happy place in PEI! Now here's a little picture for you!

My sister Corrie and I after dancing

Monday, February 26, 2007

Excited for life!

Sometimes I just get excited for life and what's going on. For example, right now I'm excited to be here in PEI, I'm excited for summer in Hamilton, and I'm excited to return back to PEI next fall and start a full year of MCC. I'm excited for camp, excited to find work, excited to meet new people, and excited for those warm summer nights of goofing off on the front porch with my sisters. And as I think of all these excitements I need to realize that these things will come and go, these things will pass and then what? Although they bring happiness, they are temporary, and they are not the makings of pure joy. Joy is not necessarily happiness, but eternal satisfaction in the presence of the Holy Sirit in our lives and the blessings associated with it. We will still face trials and times of pain, but in us dwells a power greater than all evil ready to overcome.

When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul.
-Psalm 94:19

Exciting plans may come and go, but we can always look to our Joy in Jesus Christ.

Sunday, February 11, 2007


It has been O' so long since I've graced all my friend with a post. It's been quite eventful here on the island, lots of Java and lots of sick. Man I feel like death lately, it'll be good to get rid of this flu. On a lighter note, I have managed to clean my room, mostly, AND I bought a dress for $2.99. .just thought I'd share that. Wow. . I really don't have a lot to say right now, my brain is pretty much mush. So that's all for now I guess,


Friday, January 12, 2007

Probably time for an update

Well I'm all moved in to MCC and greatly enjoying it thus far. Can't say I'm sad about not being home, actually I'm doing really well with that. WHOOP. .yeah I don't have a whole lot to say, so tata

Monday, January 01, 2007

Late Christmas Party and New Years Eve

Well, this weekend brought two lovely parties. The Irbensen Christmas party and a New Years Eve party. They were both very fun and produced some wonderful pictures. Enjoy!

Christmas Party

Don't worry that is a non-alcoholic drink. .no for real, seriously

Lantz and Matthew counting down crazily with their champonade.

Well that's all forks, have a good New Years!

Saturday, December 23, 2006


Well it seems that some sort of sickness has been cast upon me just in time for the holidays. I'm coughy, gaggy, and by golly my stomach muscles hurt! OH well, it's CHRISTMAS! YAY! Merry Christmas! and God Bless Us, Everyone!

Friday, December 22, 2006

What else do you do at 12 am?

Here are some odd pictures of Me, Sam, and Caitlin being ganstah at 12 am. all started when Sam borrowed a coat. Then we broke out the "limps". .go figure!
